teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Near Me, Lincoln NE

An estimated 80 percent of adults want a better smile, which most people relate with having whiter and brighter teeth. As a result, teeth whitening has become very popular in recent years. Bleaching or teeth whitening involves lightening the shade of your natural teeth and removing stains and discoloration. Whitening can greatly improve the appearance …

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cosmetic dentistry

What to Expect with Cosmetic Dentistry? Lincoln NE

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of professional oral care aimed at improving the appearance of your teeth and smile. A beautiful smile is vital for a successful life, both professionally and socially. It makes you appear happy, healthy, and attractive, which gives you great confidence in your various pursuits and makes you feel like you …

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exam and cleaning

What’s Involved In A Dental Exam & Cleaning? Lincoln NE

Scheduling your exam and cleaning today will help protect your dental health, which is important in maintaining exceptional oral health. The most basic appointment involves a bi-annual cleaning that maintains the strength of our teeth. Regular appointments are necessary to prevent diseases from occurring, as well as decay on our teeth. What to Expect  Routine …

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cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentist Near Me, Lincoln NE

Cosmetic dentistry offers a way for you to improve your smile via varying cosmetic dental procedures. Even a subtle change to your smile can make a huge difference in the way you look, the way you feel about yourself, and the way others perceive you. Your smile plays a big part in your appearance. It …

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family dentistry

Are You Looking For A Great Family Dentist? Lincoln NE

Finding a great family dentist is not always easy. There are many factors to be considered when choosing one, such as maintaining your oral health and having good rapport with the professional so that you can establish long-term association. When it comes to family dentistry, you should make sure that your entire family’s dental needs …

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general dentistry

Looking For a New Dentist Near Me? Lincoln NE

When choosing a new dentist, it’s important to remember that there are plenty of choices out there so don’t settle for someone just because they are convenient or available at the time.  Make sure to ask plenty of questions and get a good idea of what you can expect from each dentist. When you find …

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general dentistry

Dentist Near Me, Lincoln NE

The search for a professional, gentle dentist can be challenging. After all, not every dentist is created equal. In fact, some are better than others. If you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy dentist near you, consider our office. Dentistry & Your Overall Health Dentistry is an important part of your overall health. Every six …

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teeth whitening

What to Expect with Teeth Whitening in Lincoln NE

Teeth whitening, or simply bleaching, is a straightforward, non-invasive dental solution for changing the color of natural tooth enamel, and to enhance the appearance of your smile.  Getting whiter teeth is considered the most popular esthetic concern for most dental patients. Common reasons for teeth whitening include: Normal wear of tooth enamel Excess fluoridation (fluorosis) …

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dental veneers

Dental Veneers Near Me, Lincoln NE

A dental veneer refers to an ultra-thin layer of tooth-colored material that is bonded over the facial surface of your front teeth to correct minor, aesthetic dental issues such as uneven tooth spacing or alignment, worn tooth enamel, chipped or broken teeth, cracks, and tooth discoloration.  Dental Veneers – Your First Appointment  Before veneer placement, …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns Near Me, Lincoln NE

Dental Crowns are one of the most popular restorative and cosmetic treatments in dentistry. They provide a strong and durable cap that holds together a tooth that has been severely damaged and weakened by trauma or decay, helping to save a tooth that may otherwise have been extracted.  When Are Dental Crowns Used? Dental crowns …

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